Reels'n thrills guidelines
Theme : Bollywood
The Competition is Open for All BPPIMT Students.
Participants will have to share their Reels link entries on the Registration form. Only ONE entry is allowed from each participant.
The video should not exceed 60 seconds.
As per Reel format, the video should be made vertically and not horizontally.
The reel must be an original creation. You can only be inspired by existing trends online. Plagiarized content will led to disqualification.
Any offensive, name-calling, derogatory remarks, and/or regional slang towards any person or community should not be used.
Please make sure music is added, if needed.
Please use one medium of language for the reels. Preferred languages: Bengali, English, Hindi.
Please make sure music is added, if needed.
Key Points
- Theme : Bollywood
- Prize Pool : Exciting goodies from CSCP
- Registration Fee : Free
- Event Status : Online

Co-ordinator & Volunteer
Feel Free to ask your doubts regarding the pre events to the respective Co-ordinator & Volunteer
+91 9608008549
+91 8250521048